Sunday 17 February 2008

valentine project 4# the king's family

client: Deny Satriawibowo
ingredients: milk chocolate, white chocolate, dark chocolate, marshmalow

Deny a.k.a Mamo pesen coklat ini jg karena liat cokelatnya Zek, buat hadiah valentine istri dan anaknya, Nuke dan Farrel.
Dan sekali lg juga biar seru packagingnya kubuat beda ama Zek, disini ceritanya Mamo adalah boneka raja yg satu seri dengan boneka princess dan reverensi packagingnya dari Barbie yg modern gitu, boxnya silinder..heheh..oya sekali lagi aku lupa moto bagian belakangnya..hohoho...

valentine project 3# Burger Queen

client: Echa Simanjuntak
ingredients: Milk Chocolate, White Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Marshmallow, Oreo, Lemon Flavoured Chocolate, artificial colour red & green

Echa pesen cokelat ini buat Clody (Claude- tapi aku sukaan nyebutnya Clody) .
Nah yg ini aku gak telalu ekssplorasi di ide karena echa udah spesifik bgt mintanya,
bentuk coklatnya aja udah dibikinin sketch, jadi aku eksplorasi di packaging ama campuran coklatnya aja.., mm tapi lumayan seru juga sih..

valentine project 2# Sarah the Little Red Riding Hood

client: Dimas
ingredients: milk chocolate, marshmallow, dark chocolate

Cokelat ini pesenan dimas untuk Sarah, awalnya dimas cuma pesen bentuk boneka gara2 liat coklatnya Zek, trus biar akunya gak bosen kubikin ada ceritanya deh, ceritanya Sarah disini sebagai Red Riding Hood, trus ada serigala yg pura2 jadi neneknya..heheheh..reverensi packagingnya dari box boneka Blythe, fontnya juga sok2 blythe gitu..heheh..oiya tapi sayangnya aku lupa moto dari samping dan belakang..huhu

valentine project 1# Adianti's Nutty Surprise

client: Adianti Reksoprodjo
ingredients: Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, Skippy Chunk Peanut Butter, Ting Ting Garudafood, White Chocolate

Horay valentine's day i got lots order..project 1# is Anti's chocolate, She's going to give it to her husband, Dana. From our (me and anti) brainstorming we decided that the chocolate shape would be PEANUT, because Dana really loves peanuts ...and i thought it would be funny if i make a girl inside the peanut (the girl means Anti)..then, to make it more like a real penuts...i created the packaging looks like a kacang kulit (skinned peanuts) wrapper, and for the visual i took the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup style. Oh and i use ziplock covered with vinyl sticker print for the packaging, doesn't need to tear the wrapper to open, and it will be reusable (i feel briliant with this idea..khikhikhi)